- blocks/ALU1/rtl


- blocks/AddCmp/rtl


- blocks/BarrelShifter/rtl


- blocks/Counter/rtl


- blocks/Decoder/rtl


- blocks/Encoder/rtl


- blocks/Incr/rtl

Incr16 Incr3 Incr4 Incr9

- blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl

CoreDbgApb CoreDbgPort DbgAccPort DbgApbBus Jtag2MemiSync JtagTap JtagTapDRegs JtagTapFsm JtagTapInsnReg

- blocks/PrgCounter/rtl


- blocks/ShiftReg/rtl


- blocks/SimRAM/rtl


- blocks/SimROM/rtl


- lib/gates/builtin

INV Inv MUX2 Mux2 NAND2 NAnd2

- lib/gates/cmos

AND2 INV Inv MUX2 Mux2 NAND2 NAnd2 NOR2 NOr2

- lib/gates/generic

AOI22 Dff INV MUX2 MUX4 Mux2 Mux4 NAND2

- lib/parts

FullAdderAOI RippleCarryAdder

Module "Alu1", blocks/ALU1/rtl/Alu1.sv



Name Direction Type Description
cmd input wire [CMD_WIDTH-1:0]
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
co output wire
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

Substraction is using 2's complements. Negating B is to find its 2's complement, 2's complement of B is ~B + 1, that is invert and add 1. Therefore A - B = A + B2s = A + ~B + 1. When using RippleCarryAdder we need: 1. set carry in ci to HI for +1, ci = sub_add; 2. B' = ~B = B XOR sub_add.

References: - https://www.egr.msu.edu/classes/ece410/mason/files/Ch12.pdf

Source code:

module Alu1 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 64,
    localparam CMD_WIDTH = ALU1_CMD_WIDTH
    input  wire [CMD_WIDTH-1:0] cmd,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]     in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]     in2,
    output wire                 co,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0]     out

                                   //S012 C cmd
    localparam CMD_TRANSFER   = 0; // 000 0 0000 out = in1
    localparam CMD_INC        = 1; // 000 1 0001 out = in1 + 1
    localparam CMD_ADD        = 2; // 100 0 0010 out = in1 + in2
    localparam CMD_ADD_PLUS1  = 3; // 100 1 0011 out = in1 + in2 + 1
    localparam CMD_SUB_MINUS1 = 4; // 010 0 0100 out = in1 + ~in2
    localparam CMD_SUB        = 5; // 010 1 0101 out = in1 + ~in2 + 1
    localparam CMD_DEC        = 6; // 110 0 0110 out = in1 - 1 (in1 + 111=in1 + 000 - 1=in1 - 1)
    localparam CMD_TRANSFER2  = 7; // 110 1 0111 out = in1

    localparam CMD_AND        = 8; // 001   1000 out = in1 & in2
    localparam CMD_OR         = 9; // 101   1001 out = in1 | in2
    localparam CMD_XOR        =10; // 011   1010 out = in1 ^ in2
    localparam CMD_NOT        =11; // 111   1011 out = ~in1

    wire [2:0] opsel;

    assign opsel[0] = (cmd == CMD_ADD || cmd == CMD_ADD_PLUS1 ||
        cmd == CMD_DEC || cmd == CMD_TRANSFER2 || cmd == CMD_OR || cmd == CMD_NOT);

    assign opsel[1] = cmd[2] | (cmd[3] & cmd[1]);

    assign opsel[2] = cmd[3];

    wire [WIDTH-1:0] in2_inv;

    INV#(WIDTH) inv2_(.in(in2), .out(in2_inv));

    wire [WIDTH-1:0] adder_in1;
    wire [WIDTH-1:0] adder_in2;
    wire [WIDTH-1:0] adder_out;
    wire             adder_ci;

    assign adder_in1 = in1;

    assign adder_ci = cmd[0];

    genvar i;
    for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) begin : in2_sel
        assign adder_in2[i] = (in2[i] & opsel[0]) | (in2_inv[i] & opsel[1]);

    RippleCarryAdder#(WIDTH) adder_(

    wire [WIDTH-1:0] logic_block_out;

    MUX4#(WIDTH) logic_block_(
        .in1(in1 & in2), // AND
        .in2(in1 | in2), // OR
        .in3(in1 ^ in2), // XOR
        .in4(~in1),      // NOT

    assign out = (opsel[2] == 1)? logic_block_out : adder_out;


Module "AddCmp50", blocks/AddCmp/rtl/AddCmp50.sv



Name Direction Type Description
a input wire [50-1:0]
b input wire [50-1:0]
c input wire [50-1:0]
eq output wire

Source code:

module AddCmp50 (
    input  wire [50-1:0] a,
    input  wire [50-1:0] b,
    input  wire [50-1:0] c,
    output wire          eq

wire [50-1:0] s;
wire [50  :0] cy;
wire [50-1:0] t;
wire group0;
wire group1;
wire group2;
wire group3;
wire group4;
wire group5;
wire group6;
wire group7;
wire group8;
wire group9;
wire group10;
wire group11;
wire group12;

assign cy[0] = 0;

FullAdder u_fa0(.in1(a[0]), .in2(b[0]), .ci(~c[0]), .sum(s[0]), .co(cy[1]));
FullAdder u_fa1(.in1(a[1]), .in2(b[1]), .ci(~c[1]), .sum(s[1]), .co(cy[2]));
FullAdder u_fa2(.in1(a[2]), .in2(b[2]), .ci(~c[2]), .sum(s[2]), .co(cy[3]));
FullAdder u_fa3(.in1(a[3]), .in2(b[3]), .ci(~c[3]), .sum(s[3]), .co(cy[4]));
FullAdder u_fa4(.in1(a[4]), .in2(b[4]), .ci(~c[4]), .sum(s[4]), .co(cy[5]));
FullAdder u_fa5(.in1(a[5]), .in2(b[5]), .ci(~c[5]), .sum(s[5]), .co(cy[6]));
FullAdder u_fa6(.in1(a[6]), .in2(b[6]), .ci(~c[6]), .sum(s[6]), .co(cy[7]));
FullAdder u_fa7(.in1(a[7]), .in2(b[7]), .ci(~c[7]), .sum(s[7]), .co(cy[8]));
FullAdder u_fa8(.in1(a[8]), .in2(b[8]), .ci(~c[8]), .sum(s[8]), .co(cy[9]));
FullAdder u_fa9(.in1(a[9]), .in2(b[9]), .ci(~c[9]), .sum(s[9]), .co(cy[10]));
FullAdder u_fa10(.in1(a[10]), .in2(b[10]), .ci(~c[10]), .sum(s[10]), .co(cy[11]));
FullAdder u_fa11(.in1(a[11]), .in2(b[11]), .ci(~c[11]), .sum(s[11]), .co(cy[12]));
FullAdder u_fa12(.in1(a[12]), .in2(b[12]), .ci(~c[12]), .sum(s[12]), .co(cy[13]));
FullAdder u_fa13(.in1(a[13]), .in2(b[13]), .ci(~c[13]), .sum(s[13]), .co(cy[14]));
FullAdder u_fa14(.in1(a[14]), .in2(b[14]), .ci(~c[14]), .sum(s[14]), .co(cy[15]));
FullAdder u_fa15(.in1(a[15]), .in2(b[15]), .ci(~c[15]), .sum(s[15]), .co(cy[16]));
FullAdder u_fa16(.in1(a[16]), .in2(b[16]), .ci(~c[16]), .sum(s[16]), .co(cy[17]));
FullAdder u_fa17(.in1(a[17]), .in2(b[17]), .ci(~c[17]), .sum(s[17]), .co(cy[18]));
FullAdder u_fa18(.in1(a[18]), .in2(b[18]), .ci(~c[18]), .sum(s[18]), .co(cy[19]));
FullAdder u_fa19(.in1(a[19]), .in2(b[19]), .ci(~c[19]), .sum(s[19]), .co(cy[20]));
FullAdder u_fa20(.in1(a[20]), .in2(b[20]), .ci(~c[20]), .sum(s[20]), .co(cy[21]));
FullAdder u_fa21(.in1(a[21]), .in2(b[21]), .ci(~c[21]), .sum(s[21]), .co(cy[22]));
FullAdder u_fa22(.in1(a[22]), .in2(b[22]), .ci(~c[22]), .sum(s[22]), .co(cy[23]));
FullAdder u_fa23(.in1(a[23]), .in2(b[23]), .ci(~c[23]), .sum(s[23]), .co(cy[24]));
FullAdder u_fa24(.in1(a[24]), .in2(b[24]), .ci(~c[24]), .sum(s[24]), .co(cy[25]));
FullAdder u_fa25(.in1(a[25]), .in2(b[25]), .ci(~c[25]), .sum(s[25]), .co(cy[26]));
FullAdder u_fa26(.in1(a[26]), .in2(b[26]), .ci(~c[26]), .sum(s[26]), .co(cy[27]));
FullAdder u_fa27(.in1(a[27]), .in2(b[27]), .ci(~c[27]), .sum(s[27]), .co(cy[28]));
FullAdder u_fa28(.in1(a[28]), .in2(b[28]), .ci(~c[28]), .sum(s[28]), .co(cy[29]));
FullAdder u_fa29(.in1(a[29]), .in2(b[29]), .ci(~c[29]), .sum(s[29]), .co(cy[30]));
FullAdder u_fa30(.in1(a[30]), .in2(b[30]), .ci(~c[30]), .sum(s[30]), .co(cy[31]));
FullAdder u_fa31(.in1(a[31]), .in2(b[31]), .ci(~c[31]), .sum(s[31]), .co(cy[32]));
FullAdder u_fa32(.in1(a[32]), .in2(b[32]), .ci(~c[32]), .sum(s[32]), .co(cy[33]));
FullAdder u_fa33(.in1(a[33]), .in2(b[33]), .ci(~c[33]), .sum(s[33]), .co(cy[34]));
FullAdder u_fa34(.in1(a[34]), .in2(b[34]), .ci(~c[34]), .sum(s[34]), .co(cy[35]));
FullAdder u_fa35(.in1(a[35]), .in2(b[35]), .ci(~c[35]), .sum(s[35]), .co(cy[36]));
FullAdder u_fa36(.in1(a[36]), .in2(b[36]), .ci(~c[36]), .sum(s[36]), .co(cy[37]));
FullAdder u_fa37(.in1(a[37]), .in2(b[37]), .ci(~c[37]), .sum(s[37]), .co(cy[38]));
FullAdder u_fa38(.in1(a[38]), .in2(b[38]), .ci(~c[38]), .sum(s[38]), .co(cy[39]));
FullAdder u_fa39(.in1(a[39]), .in2(b[39]), .ci(~c[39]), .sum(s[39]), .co(cy[40]));
FullAdder u_fa40(.in1(a[40]), .in2(b[40]), .ci(~c[40]), .sum(s[40]), .co(cy[41]));
FullAdder u_fa41(.in1(a[41]), .in2(b[41]), .ci(~c[41]), .sum(s[41]), .co(cy[42]));
FullAdder u_fa42(.in1(a[42]), .in2(b[42]), .ci(~c[42]), .sum(s[42]), .co(cy[43]));
FullAdder u_fa43(.in1(a[43]), .in2(b[43]), .ci(~c[43]), .sum(s[43]), .co(cy[44]));
FullAdder u_fa44(.in1(a[44]), .in2(b[44]), .ci(~c[44]), .sum(s[44]), .co(cy[45]));
FullAdder u_fa45(.in1(a[45]), .in2(b[45]), .ci(~c[45]), .sum(s[45]), .co(cy[46]));
FullAdder u_fa46(.in1(a[46]), .in2(b[46]), .ci(~c[46]), .sum(s[46]), .co(cy[47]));
FullAdder u_fa47(.in1(a[47]), .in2(b[47]), .ci(~c[47]), .sum(s[47]), .co(cy[48]));
FullAdder u_fa48(.in1(a[48]), .in2(b[48]), .ci(~c[48]), .sum(s[48]), .co(cy[49]));
FullAdder u_fa49(.in1(a[49]), .in2(b[49]), .ci(~c[49]), .sum(s[49]), .co(cy[50]));

assign t[0] = cy[0] ^ s[0];
assign t[1] = cy[1] ^ s[1];
assign t[2] = cy[2] ^ s[2];
assign t[3] = cy[3] ^ s[3];
assign t[4] = cy[4] ^ s[4];
assign t[5] = cy[5] ^ s[5];
assign t[6] = cy[6] ^ s[6];
assign t[7] = cy[7] ^ s[7];
assign t[8] = cy[8] ^ s[8];
assign t[9] = cy[9] ^ s[9];
assign t[10] = cy[10] ^ s[10];
assign t[11] = cy[11] ^ s[11];
assign t[12] = cy[12] ^ s[12];
assign t[13] = cy[13] ^ s[13];
assign t[14] = cy[14] ^ s[14];
assign t[15] = cy[15] ^ s[15];
assign t[16] = cy[16] ^ s[16];
assign t[17] = cy[17] ^ s[17];
assign t[18] = cy[18] ^ s[18];
assign t[19] = cy[19] ^ s[19];
assign t[20] = cy[20] ^ s[20];
assign t[21] = cy[21] ^ s[21];
assign t[22] = cy[22] ^ s[22];
assign t[23] = cy[23] ^ s[23];
assign t[24] = cy[24] ^ s[24];
assign t[25] = cy[25] ^ s[25];
assign t[26] = cy[26] ^ s[26];
assign t[27] = cy[27] ^ s[27];
assign t[28] = cy[28] ^ s[28];
assign t[29] = cy[29] ^ s[29];
assign t[30] = cy[30] ^ s[30];
assign t[31] = cy[31] ^ s[31];
assign t[32] = cy[32] ^ s[32];
assign t[33] = cy[33] ^ s[33];
assign t[34] = cy[34] ^ s[34];
assign t[35] = cy[35] ^ s[35];
assign t[36] = cy[36] ^ s[36];
assign t[37] = cy[37] ^ s[37];
assign t[38] = cy[38] ^ s[38];
assign t[39] = cy[39] ^ s[39];
assign t[40] = cy[40] ^ s[40];
assign t[41] = cy[41] ^ s[41];
assign t[42] = cy[42] ^ s[42];
assign t[43] = cy[43] ^ s[43];
assign t[44] = cy[44] ^ s[44];
assign t[45] = cy[45] ^ s[45];
assign t[46] = cy[46] ^ s[46];
assign t[47] = cy[47] ^ s[47];
assign t[48] = cy[48] ^ s[48];
assign t[49] = cy[49] ^ s[49];

assign group0 = ~(t[0] & t[1] & t[2] & t[3]);
assign group1 = ~(t[4] & t[5] & t[6] & t[7]);
assign group2 = ~(t[8] & t[9] & t[10] & t[11]);
assign group3 = ~(t[12] & t[13] & t[14] & t[15]);
assign group4 = ~(t[16] & t[17] & t[18] & t[19]);
assign group5 = ~(t[20] & t[21] & t[22] & t[23]);
assign group6 = ~(t[24] & t[25] & t[26] & t[27]);
assign group7 = ~(t[28] & t[29] & t[30] & t[31]);
assign group8 = ~(t[32] & t[33] & t[34] & t[35]);
assign group9 = ~(t[36] & t[37] & t[38] & t[39]);
assign group10 = ~(t[40] & t[41] & t[42] & t[43]);
assign group11 = ~(t[44] & t[45] & t[46] & t[47]);
assign group12 = ~(t[48] & t[49]);

assign eq = ~(group0 | group1 | group2 | group3 | group4 | group5 | group6 | group7 | group8 | group9 | group10 | group11 | group12);


Module "BarrelShifter", blocks/BarrelShifter/rtl/BarrelShifter.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
shift_in_bit input wire 0 for logical shift
shift input wire [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] number of shifts
shift_rotate input wire shift or rotate
left_right input wire shift/rotate left or right
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

Barrel Shifter Author: Igor Lesik 2019-2020 Copyright: Igor Lesik 2019-2020

Source code:

module BarrelShifter #(
    parameter WIDTH = 64,
    parameter SHIFT_WIDTH = `CLOG2(WIDTH) // number of shift/rotate bits
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]       in,
    input  wire                   shift_in_bit, // 0 for logical shift
    input  wire [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift,        // number of shifts
    input  wire                   shift_rotate, // shift or rotate
    input  wire                   left_right,   // shift/rotate left or right
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0]       out

    wire [WIDTH-1:0] ain; // "in" or reversed "in"

    wire [WIDTH-1:0] res; // result of shifting

    genvar i;

    // We implement internal logic that shift/rotate LEFT.
    // The direction of the final shift/rotate operation is implemented by reversing
    // the input and output vector.
    generate //: reverse_vectors
        for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i = i + 1)
        begin: gen_reverse
            MUX2#(.WIDTH(1)) mux_reverse_in_ (.in1(in[i]), .in2(in[WIDTH-1-i]), .sel(left_right), .out(ain[i]));
            MUX2#(.WIDTH(1)) mux_reverse_out_ (.in1(res[i]), .in2(res[WIDTH-1-i]), .sel(left_right), .out(out[i]));
        end: gen_reverse

    // The shift/rotate (left) operation is done in stages where each stage performs
    // a shift/rotate operation of a different size.
    // For example, a 5 bits shift operation would result in a shift of 4 and a shift of 1
    // where the stage that performs the shift of 2 would not do any shift.
    // The select vector binary encoding is actually to enable the different stages of the barrel shifter.

    // {stage[i+1][WIDTH-(2**i)-1:0], stage[i+1][WIDTH-1:WIDTH-(2**i)]}) when WIDTH=8:
    // s3 = in                   76543210
    // s2 = {s3[3:0],s3[7:4]} -> 32107654
    // s1 = {s2[5:0],s3[7:6]} -> 10765432
    // s0 = {s1[6:0],s1[7:7]} -> 07654321

    wire [WIDTH-1:0] stage[SHIFT_WIDTH:0];
    assign stage[SHIFT_WIDTH] = ain;
    assign res = stage[0];

    generate //: stage_select
        for (i = 0; i < SHIFT_WIDTH; i = i + 1)
        begin: stage_mux
            Mux2 #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) mux(
                        (shift_rotate)? {(2**i){shift_in_bit}} : stage[i+1][WIDTH-1:WIDTH-(2**i)]
               .sel(shift[i]), // i-th bit of shift
               .out(stage[i])  // i-th stage either copy of prev. stage
        end: stage_mux
    endgenerate //: stage_select


Module "Counter", blocks/Counter/rtl/Counter.sv



Name Direction Type Description
clk input wire
rst_n input wire
load input wire
in input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
up_down input wire
count_en input wire
out output reg [WIDTH-1:0]
co output reg

Source code:

module Counter #(
    parameter WIDTH=8
    input  wire             clk,
    input  wire             rst_n,
    input  wire             load,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in,
    input  wire             up_down,
    input  wire             count_en,
    output reg  [WIDTH-1:0] out,
    output reg              co

    localparam WIDTH_WITH_CARRY = WIDTH + 1;

    always @(posedge clk)
        if (!rst_n) begin         // sync reset
            {co,out} <= {WIDTH_WITH_CARRY{1'b0}};
        end else if (load) begin  // sync load
            {co,out} <= in;
        end else if (count_en) begin // sync increment/decrement
            if (up_down)
                {co,out} <= out + 1'b1;
                {co,out} <= out - 1'b1;


Module "Decoder", blocks/Decoder/rtl/Decoder.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [SIZE-1:0]
en input wire
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

i[j] - take j-th bit of number i For example, for 3-8 decoder: If in is 5(101), 5[0]=1, 5[1]=0, 5[2]=1 for i [0..7] i=5=b101, 5[0]=1, 5[1]=0, 5[2]=1 out[5]=5[0] & !5[1] & !5[2] = 1 & !0 & 1 = 1

     i=6=b110, 6[0]=0, 6[1]=1, 6[2]=1
     out[6]=!5[0] & 5[1] & 5[2] = !1 & 0 & 1 = 0 & 0 & 1 = 0

Source code:

module Decoder #(
    parameter SIZE = 3,
    parameter WIDTH = 1 << SIZE
    input  wire [SIZE-1:0]  in,
    input  wire             en,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out

always @* begin
  out = {WIDTH{1'b0}};
  out[in] = 1'b1;

wire [SIZE-1:0] nin;
assign nin = ~in;

genvar i, j;
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
    wire [SIZE-1:0] sel;
    for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j = j + 1) begin
        assign sel[j] = i[j] ? in[j] : nin[j];
    assign out[i] = en & ( &sel );


Module "Encoder8_3", blocks/Encoder/rtl/Encoder8_3.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [8-1:0]
out output wire [3-1:0]
d input [WIDTH-1:0]

Source code:

module Encoder8_3(
    input  wire [8-1:0]  in,
    output wire [3-1:0]  out

localparam SIZE = 3;
localparam WIDTH = 1 << SIZE;

assign out = enc(in);

function [SIZE-1:0] enc(input [WIDTH-1:0] d);
    casex (d)
        8'b1xxxxxxx: enc = 3'd7;
        8'b01xxxxxx: enc = 3'd6;
        8'b001xxxxx: enc = 3'd5;
        8'b0001xxxx: enc = 3'd4;
        8'b00001xxx: enc = 3'd3;
        8'b000001xx: enc = 3'd2;
        8'b0000001x: enc = 3'd1;
        default:     enc = 3'd0;


Module "Incr16", blocks/Incr/rtl/Incr16.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [15:0]
out output wire [15:0]
cy output wire

16-bit Incrementor.

Source code:

module Incr16 (
    input  wire [15:0] in,
    output wire [15:0] out,
    output wire        cy

wire [ 3: 0] all1_3_0;
wire [ 7: 4] all1_7_4;
wire [11: 8] all1_11_8;
wire [15:12] all1_15_12;

wire [ 3: 0] incr_3_0;
wire [ 7: 4] incr_7_4;
wire [11: 8] incr_11_8;
wire [15:12] incr_15_12;

assign all1_3_0   = ~(in[ 3] & in[ 2] & in[ 1] & in[ 0]);
assign all1_7_4   = ~(in[ 7] & in[ 6] & in[ 5] & in[ 4]);
assign all1_11_8  = ~(in[11] & in[10] & in[ 9] & in[ 8]);
assign all1_15_12 = ~(in[15] & in[14] & in[13] & in[12]);

Incr4 u_incr_3_0  (.in(in[ 3: 0]), .out(incr_3_0));
Incr4 u_incr_7_4  (.in(in[ 7: 4]), .out(incr_7_4));
Incr4 u_incr_11_8 (.in(in[11: 8]), .out(incr_11_8));
Incr4 u_incr_15_12(.in(in[15:12]), .out(incr_15_12));

assign out[ 3: 0] = incr_3_0;
assign out[ 7: 4] = ~all1_3_0                          ? incr_7_4   : in[7:4];
assign out[11: 8] = ~(all1_3_0 | all1_7_4)             ? incr_11_8  : in[11:8];
assign out[15:12] = ~(all1_3_0 | all1_7_4 | all1_11_8) ? incr_15_12 : in[15:12];
assign         cy = ~(all1_3_0 | all1_7_4 | all1_11_8 | all1_15_12);


Module "Incr3", blocks/Incr/rtl/Incr3.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [2:0]
out output wire [2:0]

3-bit Incrementor block to be used in building Nx3 Fast Incrementor.

Source code:

module Incr3 (
    input  wire [2:0] in,
    output wire [2:0] out

assign out[0] = ~in[0];
assign out[1] = ~(~( in[0] & ~in[1]) &
                  ~(~in[0] &  in[1]));
assign out[2] = ~(~( in[0] &  in[1] & ~in[2]) &
                  ~(         ~in[1] &  in[2]) &
                  ~(~in[0] &  in[1] &  in[2]));


Module "Incr4", blocks/Incr/rtl/Incr4.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [3:0]
out output wire [3:0]

4-bit Incrementor.

Source code:

module Incr4 (
    input  wire [3:0] in,
    output wire [3:0] out

assign out[0] = ~in[0];
assign out[1] = ~(~( in[0] & ~in[1]) &
                  ~(~in[0] &  in[1]));
assign out[2] = ~(~( in[0] &  in[1] & ~in[2]) &
                  ~(         ~in[1] &  in[2]) &
                  ~(~in[0] &  in[1] &  in[2]));
assign out[3] = ~(~( in[0] &  in[1] &  in[2] & ~in[3]) &
                  ~(                  ~in[2] &  in[3]) &
                  ~(         ~in[1] &  in[2] &  in[3]) &
                  ~(~in[0] &  in[1] &  in[2] &  in[3]));


Module "Incr9", blocks/Incr/rtl/Incr9.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [8:0]
out output wire [8:0]
cy output wire

9-bit Fast Incrementor

Source code:

module Incr9 (
    input  wire [8:0] in,
    output wire [8:0] out,
    output wire       cy

wire [2:0] nand_2_0;
wire [5:3] nand_5_3;
wire [8:6] nand_8_6;

wire all1_2_0;
wire all1_5_0;

wire [2:0] incr_5_3;
wire [2:0] incr_8_6;

assign nand_2_0 = ~(in[0] & in[1] & in[2]);
assign nand_5_3 = ~(in[3] & in[4] & in[5]);
assign nand_8_6 = ~(in[6] & in[7] & in[8]);

assign all1_2_0 = ~nand_2_0;
assign all1_5_0 = ~(nand_2_0 | nand_5_3);
assign       cy = ~(nand_2_0 | nand_5_3 | nand_8_6);

Incr3 u_incr3_2_0(.in(in[2:0]), .out(out[2:0]));
Incr3 u_incr3_5_3(.in(in[5:3]), .out(incr_5_3));
Incr3 u_incr3_8_6(.in(in[8:6]), .out(incr_8_6));

assign out[5:3] = all1_2_0 ? incr_5_3 : in[5:3];
assign out[8:6] = all1_5_0 ? incr_8_6 : in[8:6];


Module "CoreDbgApb", blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl/CoreDbgApb.sv



Name Direction Type Description
clk input wire rising edge of `clk` times all transfers on the APB
rst_n input wire Signals from APB Master and APB bus
addr input wire [APB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]
sel input wire slave is selected and data transfer is required
enable input wire indicates the second+ cycles of an APB transfer
wr_rd input wire direction=HIGH? wr:rd
wdata input wire [APB_WDATA_WIDTH-1:0] driven by Bridge when wr_rd=HIGH
wstrobe input wire [3:0] Signals driven by current Slave
ready output reg slave uses this signal to extend an APB transfer, when ready is LOW the transfer extended
rdata output reg [APB_RDATA_WIDTH-1:0] not implemented slave_err
core_dbg_req output reg
core_dbg_wr_rd output reg Debug register write/read request
core_dbg_addr output reg [APB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] Debug register address
core_dbg_wdata output reg [APB_WDATA_WIDTH-1:0] Debug register write data
core_dbg_rdata input wire [APB_RDATA_WIDTH-1:0]
core_dbg_rd_ready input wire

Core Debug APB bus interface.

Authors: Igor Lesik 2020

Module CoreDbgApb is APB bus slave.

Source code:

module CoreDbgApb #(
    parameter APB_ADDR_WIDTH =5,
    parameter APB_WDATA_WIDTH=32,
    parameter APB_RDATA_WIDTH=32
    input wire                 clk, // rising edge of `clk` times all transfers on the APB
    input wire                 rst_n,

    // Signals from APB Master and APB bus
    input wire [APB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]  addr,
    input wire                       sel,     // slave is selected and data transfer is required
    input wire                       enable,  // indicates the second+ cycles of an APB transfer
    input wire                       wr_rd,   // direction=HIGH? wr:rd
    input wire [APB_WDATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata,   // driven by Bridge when wr_rd=HIGH
    input wire [3:0]                 wstrobe, // which byte lanes to update during a write transfer wdata[(8n + 7):(8n)]

    // Signals driven by current Slave
    output reg                   ready, // slave uses this signal to extend an APB transfer, when ready is LOW the transfer extended
    output reg  [APB_RDATA_WIDTH-1:0] rdata,
    // not implemented slave_err

    output reg                        core_dbg_req,
    output reg                        core_dbg_wr_rd, // Debug register write/read request
    output reg  [APB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]  core_dbg_addr,  // Debug register address
    output reg  [APB_WDATA_WIDTH-1:0] core_dbg_wdata, // Debug register write data
    input  wire [APB_RDATA_WIDTH-1:0] core_dbg_rdata,
    input  wire                       core_dbg_rd_ready

    reg [1:0] state;
    localparam [1:0] IDLE=0, WRITE=1, READ=2, READ_READY=3;

    always @(posedge clk)
        if (!rst_n) begin
            state <= IDLE;
            core_dbg_req <= 0;
            ready <= 1;
        end else begin
            case (state)
                IDLE: begin
                    //if (sel) $display("%t Core Dbg Apb Slave selected", $time);
                    state <= sel? (wr_rd? WRITE:READ) : IDLE;
                    core_dbg_req   <= sel;
                    core_dbg_wr_rd <= wr_rd;
                    core_dbg_addr  <= addr;
                    core_dbg_wdata <= wdata;
                    rdata <= 32'h0000_0000; //FIXME
                    ready <= ~sel | (sel & wr_rd) ;
                WRITE: begin
                    if (sel && wr_rd) begin // sel and other inputs MUST be stable at least 2 cycles
                        core_dbg_req   <= 0;
                        core_dbg_wr_rd <= 1;
                        core_dbg_addr  <= addr;
                        core_dbg_wdata <= wdata;
                        ready <= 1;
                        //$display("%t Core Dbg Apb write[%h]=%h", $time, addr, wdata);
                    state <= IDLE;
                READ: begin
                    //if (sel && !wr_rd) begin // sel and other inputs MUST be stable at least 2 cycles
                    core_dbg_req   <= 0;
                    core_dbg_wr_rd <= 0;
                    core_dbg_addr  <= addr;
                    rdata <= core_dbg_rdata;
                    ready <= core_dbg_rd_ready;
                    if (core_dbg_rd_ready) begin
                        state <= READ_READY;
                        $display("%t CoreDbgApb: read[%h]=%h", $time, addr, core_dbg_rdata);
                    end else begin
                        state <= READ;
                READ_READY: begin
                    state <= IDLE;
                    ready <= 1;
                    core_dbg_req <= 0;
                default: begin
                    state <= IDLE;
                    core_dbg_req <= 0;
                    ready <= 1;


Module "CoreDbgPort", blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl/CoreDbgPort.sv



Name Direction Type Description
tck input wire test clock
trst input wire test reset
tdi input wire test Data In
tms input wire test Mode Select
insn_jdpacc_select input wire IR==JDPACC
insn_cdpacc_select input wire IR==CDPACC
state_test_logic_reset input wire TAP_STATE==TEST_LOGIC_REST
state_capture_dr input wire TAP_STATE==CAPTURE_DR
state_shift_dr input wire TAP_STATE==SHIFT_DR
state_update_dr input wire TAP_STATE==UPDATE_DR
jdpacc_tdo output reg JDPACC DR output
cdpacc_tdo output reg CDPACC DR output
memi_clk input wire
memi_rst input wire
memi_addr output reg [MEMI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]
memi_sel output reg [MEMI_NR_SLAVES-1:0] slave selected & data transfer required
memi_wr_rd output reg direction=HIGH? wr:rd
memi_wdata output reg [MEMI_WDATA_WIDTH-1:0]
memi_rdata input wire [MEMI_RDATA_WIDTH-1:0]
memi_ready input wire
jdpacc input [WIDTH-1:0]

Core Debug Port (CDP).

Authors: Igor Lesik 2021

Core Debug Port makes the communation channel between JTAG and Core Debug logic.

CDP has two interfaces:

The debugger uses the JTAG interface to execute instructions JDPACC, CDPACC by going through the TAP state machine, then the instructions take the data and load it into the JDPACC, CDPACC registers, and depending on the data, different registers within the JDP or CDP are accessed, providing the desired comminication to the Core Debug logic.

In the Capture-DR state, the result of the previous transaction, if any, is returned, together with a 4-bit ACK response.

In the Shift-DR state, ACK[3:0] is shifted out first, then 32 bits of "Read Result" data is shifted out. As the returned data is shifted out to TDO, new data is shifted in from TDI.

Update-DR operation fulfills the read or write request that is formed by the values that were shifted into the scan chain.

Source code:

module CoreDbgPort #(
    parameter MEMI_NR_SLAVES   = 1,
    parameter MEMI_ADDR_WIDTH  = 5,
    parameter MEMI_WDATA_WIDTH = 32,
    parameter MEMI_RDATA_WIDTH = 32
    input  wire tck,        // test clock
    input  wire trst,       // test reset
    input  wire tdi,        // test Data In
    input  wire tms,        // test Mode Select

    input  wire insn_jdpacc_select,     // IR==JDPACC
    input  wire insn_cdpacc_select,     // IR==CDPACC
    input  wire state_test_logic_reset, // TAP_STATE==TEST_LOGIC_REST
    input  wire state_capture_dr,       // TAP_STATE==CAPTURE_DR
    input  wire state_shift_dr,         // TAP_STATE==SHIFT_DR
    input  wire state_update_dr,        // TAP_STATE==UPDATE_DR
    output reg  jdpacc_tdo,             // JDPACC DR output
    output reg  cdpacc_tdo,             // CDPACC DR output

    input  wire                        memi_clk,
    input  wire                        memi_rst,
    output reg  [MEMI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]  memi_addr,
    output reg  [MEMI_NR_SLAVES-1:0]   memi_sel, // slave selected & data transfer required
    output reg                         memi_wr_rd, // direction=HIGH? wr:rd
    output reg  [MEMI_WDATA_WIDTH-1:0] memi_wdata,
    input  wire [MEMI_RDATA_WIDTH-1:0] memi_rdata,
    input  wire                        memi_ready

    localparam WIDTH = 32+4;

    reg [WIDTH-1:0] jdpacc_reg;
    reg [WIDTH-1:0] cdpacc_reg;

    assign jdpacc_tdo = jdpacc_reg[0];
    assign cdpacc_tdo = cdpacc_reg[0];

    localparam JDPACC_ID = 36'h0;

    always @(posedge tck)
        if (trst == 1)
            jdpacc_reg <= JDPACC_ID;
        else if (state_test_logic_reset)
            jdpacc_reg <= JDPACC_ID;
        else if (insn_jdpacc_select & state_shift_dr)
            jdpacc_reg <= {tdi, jdpacc_reg[WIDTH-1:1]};
        else if (insn_jdpacc_select & state_capture_dr)
            jdpacc_reg <= jdpacc_capture_dr();
        else if (insn_jdpacc_select & state_update_dr)
            jdpacc_reg <= jdpacc_update_dr(jdpacc_reg);

    function [WIDTH-1:0] jdpacc_capture_dr();
        jdpacc_capture_dr = 'h0;

    function [WIDTH-1:0] jdpacc_update_dr(input [WIDTH-1:0] jdpacc);
        jdpacc_update_dr = jdpacc;

    localparam CDP_OP_SELECT = 3'b000,
               CDP_OP_TADDR  = 3'b001,
               CDP_OP_DTR    = 3'b010;

    reg cdp_req, cdp_update, cdp_cmd_wr, cdp_cmd_rd;
    reg [2:0] cdp_cmd_op;
    reg [31:0] cdp_cmd_data;

    always_ff @(posedge tck)
        if (trst == 1) begin
            cdpacc_reg <= 'h0;
            cdp_req    <= 0;
            cdp_update <= 0;
        end else if (state_test_logic_reset) begin
            cdpacc_reg <= 'h0;
            cdp_req    <= 0;
            cdp_update <= 0;
        end else if (insn_cdpacc_select & state_shift_dr) begin
            //$display("%t CDPACC shift-in %b", $time, {tdi, cdpacc_reg[WIDTH-1:1]});
            cdpacc_reg <= {tdi, cdpacc_reg[WIDTH-1:1]};
            cdp_req    <= 0;
            cdp_update <= 0;
        end else if (insn_cdpacc_select & state_capture_dr) begin
            //$display("%t captured CDPACC=%h", $time, cdpacc_capture_dr());
            cdpacc_reg <= cdpacc_capture_dr();
            cdp_req    <= 0;
            cdp_update <= 0;
        end else if (insn_cdpacc_select & state_update_dr) begin
            // **Update-DR** operation fulfills the read or write request that is
            // formed by the values that were shifted into the scan chain.

            cdp_update   <=  1;
            cdpacc_reg   <=  cdpacc_reg;
            cdp_req      <=  (cdpacc_reg[3:1] == CDP_OP_DTR);
            cdp_cmd_wr   <=  cdpacc_reg[0];
            cdp_cmd_rd   <= ~cdpacc_reg[0];
            cdp_cmd_op   <=  cdpacc_reg[3:1];
            cdp_cmd_data <=  cdpacc_reg[35:4];

            $display("%t CDP Update-DR wr=%b op=%b data=%h", $time,
                cdpacc_reg[0], cdpacc_reg[3:1], cdpacc_reg[35:4]);
        end else begin
            cdp_req    <= 0;
            cdp_update <= 0;

    // cdp_req synchronized to Memory Interface clock
    reg memi_req;
    reg memi_req_d1; // signals MUST be stable for 2 clocks on APB

    Jtag2MemiSync _jtag2memi_sync(
        .src_clk(tck),      // Source domain slow clock
        .src_rst(trst),     // Source domain reset
        .src_req(cdp_req),  // Source domain signal to be synchronized
        .dst_clk(memi_clk), // Destination domain fast clock
        .dst_rst(memi_rst), // Destination domain reset
        .dst_req(memi_req)  // Destination domain signal that follows src_req

    reg [31:0] cdpacc_result;
    reg [ 3:0] cdpacc_ack;

    // In the **Capture-DR** state, the result of the previous transaction,
    // if any, is returned, together with a 4-bit ACK response.
    function [WIDTH-1:0] cdpacc_capture_dr();
        cdpacc_capture_dr = {cdpacc_result, cdpacc_ack};

    reg [31:0] cdp_dr_select, cdp_dr_taddr, cdp_dr_dtr;

    always @(posedge tck)
        if (cdp_update) begin
            case (cdp_cmd_op)
                CDP_OP_SELECT: cdp_dr_select <= cdp_cmd_data;
                CDP_OP_TADDR:  cdp_dr_taddr  <= cdp_cmd_data;
                CDP_OP_DTR:    cdp_dr_dtr    <= cdp_cmd_data;
                default: begin end
            case (cdp_cmd_op)
                CDP_OP_SELECT: $display("%t CDP select core %d", $time, cdp_cmd_data);
                CDP_OP_TADDR:  $display("%t CDP select addr %h", $time, cdp_cmd_data);
                CDP_OP_DTR:    $display("%t CDP write DTR %h", $time, cdp_cmd_data);

    reg memi_wait_rd_reply;

    // APB transaction starts when one-hot bit of `memi_sel` is HIGH.
    always_ff @(posedge memi_clk)
        if (memi_rst) begin
            memi_sel <= 'h0;
            memi_req_d1 <= 0;
        end else if (memi_req) begin
            $display("%t MEMI REQ WR/RD=%b addr=%h data=%h",
                $time, cdp_cmd_wr, cdp_dr_taddr, cdp_dr_dtr);
            memi_sel    <= 1;// FIXME TODO decode cdp_dr_select;
            memi_addr   <= cdp_dr_taddr;
            memi_wdata  <= cdp_dr_dtr;
            memi_wr_rd  <= cdp_cmd_wr;
            memi_req_d1 <= 1;
        end else if (memi_req_d1) begin
            memi_req_d1 <= 0;
            memi_sel    <= memi_sel;
            memi_addr   <= memi_addr;
            memi_wdata  <= memi_wdata;
            memi_wr_rd  <= memi_wr_rd;
        end else begin
            memi_sel    <= memi_wait_rd_reply & ~memi_ready;
            memi_addr   <= 'h0;
            memi_wdata  <= 'h0;
            memi_wr_rd  <= 0;
            memi_req_d1 <= 0;

    always_ff @(posedge memi_clk)
        if (memi_rst) begin
            memi_wait_rd_reply <= 0;
        end else begin
            if (memi_wait_rd_reply) begin
                memi_wait_rd_reply <= ~memi_ready;
                if (memi_ready) begin
                    $display("%t CDP: APB read reply %h", $time, memi_rdata);
                    cdpacc_result <= memi_rdata; // TODO fast-slow clock sync?
                    cdpacc_ack <= 4'b0000;
                end else begin
                    $display("%t CDP: waiting for APB ready HIGH", $time);
            end else begin
                memi_wait_rd_reply <= memi_sel & ~memi_wr_rd;
                if (memi_sel & ~memi_wr_rd)
                    $display("%t CDP: Enter wait-rd-reply state", $time);


Module "DbgAccPort", blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl/DbgAccPort.sv



Name Direction Type Description
tck input wire test clock
trst input wire test reset
tdi input wire test Data In
tms input wire test Mode Select
tdo output reg test Data Out
memi_clk input wire
memi_rst input wire
memi_addr output reg [MEMI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]
memi_sel output reg [MEMI_NR_SLAVES-1:0]
memi_wr_rd output reg
memi_wdata output reg [MEMI_WDATA_WIDTH-1:0]
memi_rdata input wire [MEMI_RDATA_WIDTH-1:0]
memi_ready input wire

Debug Access Port (DAP).

Author: Igor Lesik 2021

Debug Access Port (DAP) is an implementation of Debug Interface. DAP provides external debugger with a standard interface to access Core debug facilities.

DAP contains:

Source code:

module DbgAccPort #(
    parameter MEMI_NR_SLAVES=1,
    parameter MEMI_ADDR_WIDTH=5,
    parameter MEMI_WDATA_WIDTH=32,
    parameter MEMI_RDATA_WIDTH=32
    input  wire tck,   // test clock
    input  wire trst,  // test reset
    input  wire tdi,   // test Data In
    input  wire tms,   // test Mode Select
    output reg  tdo,   // test Data Out

    input  wire                        memi_clk,
    input  wire                        memi_rst,
    output reg  [MEMI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]  memi_addr,
    output reg  [MEMI_NR_SLAVES-1:0]   memi_sel,
    output reg                         memi_wr_rd,
    output reg  [MEMI_WDATA_WIDTH-1:0] memi_wdata,
    input  wire [MEMI_RDATA_WIDTH-1:0] memi_rdata,
    input  wire                        memi_ready

    wire jdpacc_tdo;
    wire cdpacc_tdo;

    wire insn_jdpacc_select;
    wire insn_cdpacc_select;

    wire state_test_logic_reset;
    wire state_capture_dr;
    wire state_shift_dr;
    wire state_update_dr;

    JtagTap _jtag_tap(

    CoreDbgPort _cdp(


Module "DbgApbBus", blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl/DbgApbBus.sv



Name Direction Type Description
clk input wire rising edge of `clk` times all transfers on the APB
rst_n input wire Signals driven by APB bridge
addr input wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]
sel input wire [NR_SLAVES-1:0] slave is selected and data transfer is required
enable output reg indicates the second+ cycles of an APB transfer
wr_rd input wire direction=HIGH? wr:rd
wdata input wire [WDATA_WIDTH-1:0] driven by Bridge when wr_rd=HIGH
wstrobe input wire [3:0] Signals driven by current Slave
ready output reg slave uses this signal to extend an APB transfer
rdata output reg [RDATA_WIDTH-1:0] Signals driven by Slaves
s2m_ready input wire [NR_SLAVES-1:0]
s2m_data input wire [RDATA_WIDTH-1:0]
NR_SLAVES input wire [RDATA_WIDTH-1:0]

APB bus.

Author: Igor Lesik 2020

The Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) is used for connecting low bandwidth peripherals. It is a simple non-pipelined protocol that can be used to read/write from a master to a number of slaves through the shared bus. The reads and writes shares the same set of signals and no burst data transfers are supported. APB is a simple interface that could be used to provide access to the programmable control registers of peripheral devices.

Unpipelined protocol means that a second transfer cannot start before the first transfer completes. Every transfer takes at least two cycles.

             Master/APB Bridge
  bus ------------------------------
          ^         ^          ^
          |         |          |
          v         v          v
       slave1    slave2     slave3

Programming the control registers of internal CPU devices, for example, Debug Logic control registers can be implemented with JTAG TAP connected to APB.

  TDI ----->| R/W | Address | DATA |-----> TDO
               |       |       |
               |       |       +--->
               |       +-----------> APB transaction

The APB protocol has two independent data buses, one for read data and one for write data. Because the buses do not have their own individual handshake signals, it is not possible for data transfers to occur on both buses at the same time.

Verilog module ApbBus takes inputs from APB Bridge and outputs Slave signals to APB Bridge.

Source code:

module DbgApbBus #(
    parameter ADDR_WIDTH=32,
    parameter WDATA_WIDTH=32,
    parameter RDATA_WIDTH=32,
    parameter NR_SLAVES=1
    input wire                 clk, // rising edge of `clk` times all transfers on the APB
    input wire                 rst_n,

    // Signals driven by APB bridge
    input wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]  addr,
    input wire [NR_SLAVES-1:0]   sel,     // slave is selected and data transfer is required
    output reg                   enable,  // indicates the second+ cycles of an APB transfer
    input wire                   wr_rd,   // direction=HIGH? wr:rd
    input wire [WDATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata,   // driven by Bridge when wr_rd=HIGH
    input wire [3:0]             wstrobe, // which byte lanes to update during a write transfer wdata[(8n + 7):(8n)]

    // Signals driven by current Slave
    output reg                   ready, // slave uses this signal to extend an APB transfer
    output reg [RDATA_WIDTH-1:0] rdata,
    // not implemented slave_err

    // Signals driven by Slaves
    input wire [NR_SLAVES-1:0]   s2m_ready,
    input wire [RDATA_WIDTH-1:0] s2m_data[NR_SLAVES]
    genvar i;

    // ====================================================================
    // Mux all s2m signals based on currently selected Slave using OR gates.
    // ====================================================================

    wire [NR_SLAVES-1:0]   sel_s2m_ready; // AND2(sel[n], s2m_ready[n])
    wire [RDATA_WIDTH-1:0] sel_s2m_data[NR_SLAVES];

        for (i = 0; i < NR_SLAVES; i = i + 1) begin
            assign sel_s2m_ready[i] = sel[i] & s2m_ready[i];
            assign sel_s2m_data[i] = {RDATA_WIDTH{sel[i]}} & s2m_data[i];

    assign ready = |sel_s2m_ready;

        rdata = {RDATA_WIDTH{1'b0}};
        for (int unsigned slave_id = 0; slave_id < NR_SLAVES; slave_id++)
            rdata |= sel_s2m_data[slave_id];
    // =========================
    // APB bus state transitions
    // =========================

    wire transfer_required;
    assign transfer_required = |sel; // start transfer if some Slave is selected

    reg [1:0] state;
    localparam [1:0] IDLE=0, SETUP=1, ACCESS=2, ILLEGAL_STATE=3;

    always @(posedge clk)
        if (!rst_n) begin
            state <= IDLE;
        end else begin
            case (state)
            IDLE: begin
                state <= transfer_required? SETUP:IDLE;
            SETUP: begin
                // The bus only remains in the SETUP state for one clock cycle
                // and always moves to the ACCESS state on the next
                // rising edge of the clock.
                state <= ACCESS;
            ACCESS: begin
                // Exit from the ACCESS state is controlled by the READY signal from the slave:
                // - If READY is held LOW by the slave then the peripheral bus remains in
                //   the ACCESS state.
                // - If READY is driven HIGH by the slave then the ACCESS state is exited
                //   and the bus returns to the IDLE state if no more transfers are required.
                // Alternatively, the bus moves directly to the SETUP state if another transfer follows.
                state <= ready? (transfer_required? SETUP:IDLE) : ACCESS;
            ILLEGAL_STATE: begin
                state <= IDLE;

    // The enable signal, ENABLE, is asserted in the ACCESS state.
    assign enable = (state == ACCESS);


Module "Jtag2MemiSync", blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl/Jtag2MemiSync.sv



Name Direction Type Description
src_clk input wire slow Source domain clock
src_rst input wire Source domain reset
src_req input wire Source domain signal to be synchronized
dst_clk input wire fast Destination domain clock
dst_rst input wire Destination domain reset
dst_req output reg Destination domain signal that follows src_req

Slow JTAG to fast Memory Interface clock domain synchronization.

Author: Igor Lesik 2021

Toggle synchronizer is used to synchronize a pulse generating in source clock domain to destination clock domain. Signal cdp_req is a pulse because state_capture_dr is HIGH for 1 cycle.

First, stretch source impulse.


src_toggle timing

Next, a circuit in the destination clock domain to convert the toggle back into a pulse.

dest pulse

dest timing


Source code:

module Jtag2MemiSync (
    input  wire src_clk, // slow Source domain clock
    input  wire src_rst, // Source domain reset
    input  wire src_req, // Source domain signal to be synchronized
    input  wire dst_clk, // fast Destination domain clock
    input  wire dst_rst, // Destination domain reset
    output reg  dst_req  // Destination domain signal that follows src_req

    reg src_toggle;

    always_ff @(posedge src_clk)
        if (src_rst)
            src_toggle <= 1'b0;
        else if (src_req)
            src_toggle <= ~src_toggle;

    // 2FF Synchronizer
    reg q1, q2;

    always_ff @(posedge dst_clk) begin
        if (dst_rst)
            q1 <= 1'b0;
            q1 <= src_toggle;

    always_ff @(posedge dst_clk) begin
        if (dst_rst)
            q2 <= 1'b0;
            q2 <= q1;

    // Convert toggle back to pulse
    reg q3;
    always_ff @(posedge dst_clk) begin
        if (dst_rst)
            q3 <= 1'b0;
            q3 <= q2;

    assign dst_req = q3 ^ q2;


Module "JtagTap", blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl/JtagTap.sv



Name Direction Type Description
tck input wire test clock
trst input wire test reset
tdi input wire test Data In
tms input wire test Mode Select
tdo output reg test Data Out
jdpacc_tdo input wire
cdpacc_tdo input wire
state_test_logic_reset output reg
state_capture_dr output reg
state_shift_dr output reg
state_update_dr output reg
insn_cdpacc_select output reg

JTAG device TAP.

Author: Igor Lesik 2020

In JTAG, devices expose one or more test access ports (TAPs). A daisy chain of TAPs is called a scan chain.

scan chain

The TAP connector pins are:

To use JTAG, a host is connected to the target's JTAG signals (TMS, TCK, TDI, TDO, etc.) through some kind of JTAG adapter, which may need to handle issues like level shifting and galvanic isolation. The adapter connects to the host using some interface such as USB, PCI, Ethernet, and so forth.

The host communicates with the TAPs by manipulating TMS and TDI in conjunction with TCK, and reading results through TDO.

TMS/TDI/TCK transitions create the basic JTAG communication primitive on which higher layer protocols build.

The test access point (TAP) is composed of:

The TAP controller contains the testing state machine, and is responsible for interpreting the TCK and TMS signals.

The data input pin is used for loading data into the boundary cells between physical pins and the IC core, and loading data into the instruction register or one of the data registers.

The data output pin is used to read data from the boundary cells, or to read data from the instruction or data registers.


Source code:

module JtagTap #(
    localparam INSN_WIDTH=8,
    localparam STATE_WIDTH=4
    input  wire tck,   // test clock
    input  wire trst,  // test reset
    input  wire tdi,   // test Data In
    input  wire tms,   // test Mode Select
    output reg  tdo,   // test Data Out

    input wire  jdpacc_tdo,
    input wire  cdpacc_tdo,

    output reg  state_test_logic_reset,
    output reg  state_capture_dr,
    output reg  state_shift_dr,
    output reg  state_update_dr,

    output reg  insn_cdpacc_select

    wire insn_tdo; // TAP InsnReg TDO wire
    wire debug_tdo;
    wire bs_chain_tdo;
    wire mbist_tdo;

    //wire state_test_logic_reset;
    //wire state_capture_dr;
    wire state_capture_ir;
    //wire state_shift_dr;
    wire state_shift_ir;
    wire state_update_ir;
    wire state_pause_ir;
    wire state_pause_dr;
    wire state_exit1_ir, state_exit2_ir;
    wire state_exit1_dr, state_exit2_dr;
    wire state_run_test_idle, state_select_dr_scan;

    wire insn_extest_select;
    wire insn_sample_preload_select;
    wire insn_idcode_select;
    wire insn_mbist_select;
    wire insn_debug_select;
    wire insn_bypass_select;
    wire insn_jdpacc_select;
    //wire insn_cdpacc_select;

    wire [INSN_WIDTH-1:0] latched_jtag_ir;
    wire [STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state;

    JtagTapFsm _fsm(
        .tms_reset(tms_reset), // 5 consecutive TMS=1 causes reset

    JtagTapInsnReg _insn_reg(

    JtagTapDRegs _dregs(


Module "JtagTapDRegs", blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl/JtagTapDRegs.sv



Name Direction Type Description
tck input wire
trst input wire
tdi input wire
state_test_logic_reset input wire
state_capture_dr input wire
state_shift_dr input wire
state_shift_ir input wire
latched_jtag_ir input wire [INSN_WIDTH-1:0] TDI signals from other modules Data Registers
debug_tdo input wire
bs_chain_tdo input wire
mbist_tdo input wire
insn_tdo input wire
jdpacc_tdo input wire
cdpacc_tdo input wire
tdo output reg 1-bit telling instruction type
insn_extest_select output reg
insn_sample_preload_select output reg
insn_idcode_select output reg
insn_mbist_select output reg
insn_debug_select output reg
insn_bypass_select output reg
insn_jdpacc_select output reg
insn_cdpacc_select output reg

JTAG TAP Data Registers and TDO MUX.

Author: Igor Lesik 2020

Source code:

module JtagTapDRegs #(
    parameter INSN_WIDTH=8
    input  wire                  tck,
    input  wire                  trst,
    input  wire                  tdi,
    input  wire                  state_test_logic_reset,
    input  wire                  state_capture_dr,
    input  wire                  state_shift_dr,
    input  wire                  state_shift_ir,
    input  wire [INSN_WIDTH-1:0] latched_jtag_ir,
    // TDI signals from other modules Data Registers
    input  wire                  debug_tdo,
    input  wire                  bs_chain_tdo,
    input  wire                  mbist_tdo,
    input  wire                  insn_tdo,
    input  wire                  jdpacc_tdo,
    input  wire                  cdpacc_tdo,

    output reg                   tdo,
    // 1-bit telling instruction type
    output reg                   insn_extest_select,
    output reg                   insn_sample_preload_select,
    output reg                   insn_idcode_select,
    output reg                   insn_mbist_select,
    output reg                   insn_debug_select,
    output reg                   insn_bypass_select,
    output reg                   insn_jdpacc_select,
    output reg                   insn_cdpacc_select
    localparam INSN_EXTEST         = 8'b0000_0000;
    localparam INSN_SAMPLE_PRELOAD = 8'b0000_0001;
    localparam INSN_IDCODE         = 8'b0000_0010;
    localparam INSN_DEBUG          = 8'b0000_1000;
    localparam INSN_MBIST          = 8'b0000_1001;
    localparam INSN_JDPACC         = 8'b0000_0100;
    localparam INSN_CDPACC         = 8'b0000_0101;
    localparam INSN_BYPASS         = 8'b1111_1111; // all 1's required by the standard

    wire idcode_tdo, bypass_tdo;

    assign insn_extest_select           = (latched_jtag_ir == INSN_EXTEST);
    assign insn_sample_preload_select   = (latched_jtag_ir == INSN_SAMPLE_PRELOAD);
    assign insn_idcode_select           = (latched_jtag_ir == INSN_IDCODE);
    assign insn_mbist_select            = (latched_jtag_ir == INSN_MBIST);
    assign insn_debug_select            = (latched_jtag_ir == INSN_DEBUG);
    assign insn_bypass_select           = (latched_jtag_ir == INSN_BYPASS);
    assign insn_jdpacc_select           = (latched_jtag_ir == INSN_JDPACC);
    assign insn_cdpacc_select           = (latched_jtag_ir == INSN_CDPACC);

    // TDO is muxed/selected based on value of Instruction Register (IR).
    reg tdo_mux;

    // TDO changes state at negative edge of TCK
    always @(negedge tck) begin
        tdo = tdo_mux;

    // MUX-ing TDOs of the Data Registers
    always_comb begin
        if (state_shift_ir)
            tdo_mux = insn_tdo;
        else begin
            //$display("%t JTAG IR=%h", $time, latched_jtag_ir);
            case (latched_jtag_ir)
                INSN_IDCODE:         tdo_mux = idcode_tdo;
                INSN_DEBUG:          tdo_mux = debug_tdo;
                INSN_SAMPLE_PRELOAD: tdo_mux = bs_chain_tdo;
                INSN_EXTEST:         tdo_mux = bs_chain_tdo;
                INSN_MBIST:          tdo_mux = mbist_tdo;
                INSN_JDPACC:         tdo_mux = jdpacc_tdo;
                INSN_CDPACC:         tdo_mux = cdpacc_tdo;
                INSN_BYPASS:         tdo_mux = bypass_tdo;
                default:             tdo_mux = bypass_tdo;

    // IDCODE Data Register
    reg [31:0] idcode_reg;

    always @(posedge tck)
        if (trst == 1)
            idcode_reg <= IDCODE_VALUE; // IDCODE selected after reset
        else if (state_test_logic_reset)
            idcode_reg <= IDCODE_VALUE; // IDCODE selected after reset
        else if (insn_idcode_select & state_capture_dr)
            idcode_reg <= IDCODE_VALUE;
        else if (insn_idcode_select & state_shift_dr) begin
            idcode_reg <= {tdi, idcode_reg[31:1]};
            //$display("JTAG TAP IDCODE Shift-DR %h", idcode_reg);

    assign idcode_tdo = idcode_reg[0];

    // BYPASS Data Register
    reg bypass_reg; // 1-bit register

    always @(posedge tck)
        if (trst == 1)
            bypass_reg <= 1'b0;
        else if (state_test_logic_reset == 1)
            bypass_reg <= 1'b0;
        else if (insn_bypass_select & state_capture_dr)
            bypass_reg <= 1'b0;
        else if (insn_bypass_select & state_shift_dr)
            bypass_reg <= tdi;

    assign bypass_tdo = bypass_reg;


Module "JtagTapFsm", blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl/JtagTapFsm.sv



Name Direction Type Description
tck input wire
trst input wire
tms input wire
state output reg [WIDTH-1:0]
tms_reset output reg 5 consecutive TMS=1 causes reset
state_test_logic_reset output reg
state_run_test_idle output reg
state_select_dr_scan output reg
state_capture_dr output reg
state_shift_dr output reg
state_exit1_dr output reg
state_pause_dr output reg
state_exit2_dr output reg
state_update_dr output reg
state_select_ir_scan output reg
state_capture_ir output reg
state_shift_ir output reg
state_exit1_ir output reg
state_pause_ir output reg
state_exit2_ir output reg
state_update_ir output reg

JTAG TAP state machine. Author: Igor Lesik 2020

TAP states

The state machine is simple, comprising two paths: DR path and IR path. The state machine progresses on the test clock (TCK) edge, with the value of the test mode select (TMS) pin controlling the behavior/transition.

TAP states descr

The Shift-DR and Shift-IR states are the main states for serial-loading data into either data registers or the instruction register. While the state machine is in one of these states, TMS is held LOW, until the shifting operation is complete. The Update-DR and Update-IR states latch the data into the registers, setting the data in the instruction register as the current instruction (and in doing so, setting the current data register for the next cycle).

Source code:

module JtagTapFsm #(
    input  wire             tck,
    input  wire             trst,
    input  wire             tms,
    output reg  [WIDTH-1:0] state,

    output reg              tms_reset, // 5 consecutive TMS=1 causes reset

    output reg              state_test_logic_reset,
    output reg              state_run_test_idle,
    output reg              state_select_dr_scan,
    output reg              state_capture_dr,
    output reg              state_shift_dr,
    output reg              state_exit1_dr,
    output reg              state_pause_dr,
    output reg              state_exit2_dr,
    output reg              state_update_dr,
    output reg              state_select_ir_scan,
    output reg              state_capture_ir,
    output reg              state_shift_ir,
    output reg              state_exit1_ir,
    output reg              state_pause_ir,
    output reg              state_exit2_ir,
    output reg              state_update_ir
    assign state_test_logic_reset = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_TEST_LOGIC_RESET);
    assign state_run_test_idle    = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_RUN_TEST_IDLE);
    assign state_select_dr_scan   = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_SELECT_DR_SCAN);
    assign state_capture_dr       = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_CAPTURE_DR);
    assign state_shift_dr         = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_DR);
    assign state_exit1_dr         = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT1_DR);
    assign state_pause_dr         = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_PAUSE_DR);
    assign state_exit2_dr         = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT2_DR);
    assign state_update_dr        = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_UPDATE_DR);
    assign state_select_ir_scan   = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_SELECT_IR_SCAN);
    assign state_capture_ir       = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_CAPTURE_IR);
    assign state_shift_ir         = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_IR);
    assign state_exit1_ir         = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT1_IR);
    assign state_pause_ir         = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_PAUSE_IR);
    assign state_exit2_ir         = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT2_IR);
    assign state_update_ir        = (state == JTAG_TAP_STATE_UPDATE_IR);

    reg [WIDTH-1:0] next_state;

    // A transition between the states only occurs on the rising edge of TCK.
    always @(posedge tck) begin
        if (trst == 1 || tms_reset)
            state <= JTAG_TAP_STATE_TEST_LOGIC_RESET;
        else begin
            state <= next_state;
            //if (state != next_state)
            //    $display("JTAG TAP FSIM state %h -> %h", state, next_state);

    // Determination of next state
        case (state)
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_RUN_TEST_IDLE: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_SELECT_DR_SCAN:JTAG_TAP_STATE_RUN_TEST_IDLE;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_SELECT_DR_SCAN: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_SELECT_IR_SCAN:JTAG_TAP_STATE_CAPTURE_DR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_CAPTURE_DR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT1_DR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_DR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_DR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT1_DR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_DR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT1_DR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_UPDATE_DR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_PAUSE_DR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_PAUSE_DR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT2_DR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_PAUSE_DR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT2_DR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_UPDATE_DR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_DR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_UPDATE_DR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_SELECT_DR_SCAN:JTAG_TAP_STATE_RUN_TEST_IDLE;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_SELECT_IR_SCAN: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_TEST_LOGIC_RESET:JTAG_TAP_STATE_CAPTURE_IR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_CAPTURE_IR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT1_IR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_IR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_IR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT1_IR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_IR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT1_IR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_UPDATE_IR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_PAUSE_IR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_PAUSE_IR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT2_IR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_PAUSE_IR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_EXIT2_IR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_UPDATE_IR:JTAG_TAP_STATE_SHIFT_IR;
            JTAG_TAP_STATE_UPDATE_IR: begin
                next_state = (tms)? JTAG_TAP_STATE_SELECT_DR_SCAN:JTAG_TAP_STATE_RUN_TEST_IDLE;
            default: begin // can't actually happen
                next_state = JTAG_TAP_STATE_TEST_LOGIC_RESET;
        //$display("JTAG TAP FSIM state=%h", next_state);

    // 5 consecutive TMS=1 causes 5 FSM transitions terminating in RESET state;
    // here we duplicate "5 TMS->RESET" in case FSM gets broken somehow (unlikely),
    // perhaps we should remove this code.
    reg tms_q1, tms_q2, tms_q3, tms_q4;
    assign tms_reset = tms & tms_q1 & tms_q2 & tms_q3 & tms_q4;

    always @(posedge tck) begin
        tms_q1 <= tms;
        tms_q2 <= tms_q1;
        tms_q3 <= tms_q2;
        tms_q4 <= tms_q3;


Module "JtagTapInsnReg", blocks/JtagCoreDbg/rtl/JtagTapInsnReg.sv



Name Direction Type Description
tck input wire
trst input wire
tdi input wire
state_test_logic_reset input wire
state_capture_ir input wire
state_shift_ir input wire
state_update_ir input wire
insn_tdo output reg
latched_jtag_ir output reg [WIDTH-1:0] Insn Reg latched on negedge of TCK

JTAG TAP Instruction Register.

Author: Igor Lesik 2020

Most JTAG instructions can broadly be described as connecting different data registers to the TDI/TDO path. The BYPASS instruction connects TDI directly to TDO through a 1-bit shift register, the IDCODE instruction connects the identification code register to TDO, the EXTEST, INTEST, SAMPLE, PRELOAD instructions all connect the boundary-scan register (BSR) data register to TDI and TDO, and so on.

Source code:

module JtagTapInsnReg #(
    parameter WIDTH=8,
    parameter INSN_IDCODE=8'b0000_0010
    input  wire tck,
    input  wire trst,
    input  wire tdi,
    input  wire state_test_logic_reset,
    input  wire state_capture_ir,
    input  wire state_shift_ir,
    input  wire state_update_ir,
    output reg  insn_tdo,
    output reg  [WIDTH-1:0]  latched_jtag_ir // Insn Reg latched on negedge of TCK

    reg [WIDTH-1:0]  jtag_ir;         // Instruction register
    //reg [WIDTH-1:0]  latched_jtag_ir; // Insn Reg latched on negedge of TCK

    always @(posedge tck) begin
        if (trst == 1)
            jtag_ir <= {WIDTH{1'b0}};
        else if (state_test_logic_reset == 1)
	        jtag_ir <= {WIDTH{1'b0}};
        else if (state_capture_ir)
            jtag_ir <= 8'b1111_0101; // This value is fixed for easier fault detection; TODO ???
        else if (state_shift_ir)
            jtag_ir <= {tdi, jtag_ir[WIDTH-1:1]};

    assign insn_tdo = jtag_ir[0];

    always @(negedge tck) begin
        if (trst== 1)
            latched_jtag_ir <= INSN_IDCODE;
        else if (state_test_logic_reset)
            latched_jtag_ir <= INSN_IDCODE;
        else if (state_update_ir)
            latched_jtag_ir <= jtag_ir;


Module "PrgCounter", blocks/PrgCounter/rtl/PrgCounter.sv



Name Direction Type Description
clk input wire
rst input
rst_addr input
pc_addr output reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:ADDR_OFS]
bit input
1 input
ADDR_OFS input
current_pc input

Program Counter.

Author: Igor Lesik 2020 Copyright: Igor Lesik 2020

Assumes RISC style fixed instruction word size.

Source code:

module PrgCounter #(
    parameter   ADDR_WIDTH = 32,
    parameter   INSN_SIZE  = 4,
    localparam  INSN_WIDTH = INSN_SIZE * 8,
    localparam  ADDR_OFS   = (INSN_SIZE <= 1)? 0 :
                             (INSN_SIZE <= 2)? 1 :
                             (INSN_SIZE <= 4)? 2 :
                             (INSN_SIZE <= 8)? 3 :
                             (INSN_SIZE <=16)? 4 : -1
    input  wire                         clk,
    input  wire                         rst,
    input  wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:ADDR_OFS] rst_addr,
    output reg  [ADDR_WIDTH-1:ADDR_OFS] pc_addr

    reg rst_delay1;

    always @ (posedge clk)
        pc_addr <= next_pc(pc_addr, rst_delay1, rst_addr);
        rst_delay1 <= rst;

    // Calculate next PC.
    function bit [ADDR_WIDTH-1:ADDR_OFS] next_pc(
        input bit [ADDR_WIDTH-1:ADDR_OFS] current_pc,
        input bit rst,
        input bit [ADDR_WIDTH-1:ADDR_OFS] rst_addr
        if (rst) begin
            next_pc = rst_addr;
        else begin
            next_pc = current_pc + 1;

        //$display("PC: %x, rst: %d", next_pc, rst);


Module "ShiftReg", blocks/ShiftReg/rtl/ShiftReg.sv



Name Direction Type Description
clk input wire
srl_prl input wire
srl_in input wire
prl_in input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
srl_out output wire
prl_out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

@file @brief Shift register @author Igor Lesik 2020

parallel load + shift reg Nth bit | mux ^ | +----+ +---------+ | | | | | | | +-------+ 0 | | DFF | | | | | | | | +------+ +---+---> +---------+ 1 | | | to next prev stage | | | | stage output +-+--+ +---------+ | + serial/parallel selector

Source code:

module ShiftReg #(
    parameter WIDTH = 8
    input  wire             clk,
    input  wire             srl_prl,
    input  wire             srl_in,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] prl_in,
    output wire             srl_out,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] prl_out

wire [WIDTH-1:0] ff_in;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] srls_in;

assign srl_out = prl_out[WIDTH-1];
assign srls_in[0] = srl_in;
assign srls_in[WIDTH-1:1] = prl_out[WIDTH-2:0];

Mux2#(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) mux_(

Dff#(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) ff_(


Module "SimRAM", blocks/SimRAM/rtl/SimRAM.sv



Name Direction Type Description
clk input wire
rd_en input wire
rd_addr input wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]
wr_en input wire
wr_addr input wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]
wr_data input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0]
rd_data output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0]

Verilog simulation RAM model.

Author: Igor Lesik 2013-2020

Source code:

module SimRAM #(
    parameter  DATA_SIZE  = 1, // 1-byte, 2-16bits, 4-32bits word
    localparam DATA_WIDTH = 8 * DATA_SIZE,
    parameter  ADDR_WIDTH = 8,
    parameter  MEM_SIZE   = 2**ADDR_WIDTH
    input  wire                  clk,
    input  wire                  rd_en,
    input  wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rd_addr,
    input  wire                  wr_en,
    input  wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wr_addr,
    input  wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wr_data,
    output reg  [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rd_data

    reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ram [MEM_SIZE];

    localparam VLOG_HEX_FORMAT = 0;
    localparam VLOG_BIN_FORMAT = 1;
    //TODO localparam SREC_FORMAT = 2;

    // Load memory contents from a file.
    function int load(string filename, int format);
        if (format == VLOG_HEX_FORMAT)
            $readmemh(filename, ram);
        else if (format == VLOG_BIN_FORMAT)
            $readmemb(filename, ram);
            return 0;

        return 1;

    always @ (posedge clk)
        if (wr_en) begin
            ram[integer'(wr_addr)] <= wr_data;

        if (rd_en) begin
            //$display("ROM[%h]=%h", integer'(addr)+i, rom[integer'(addr)+i]);
            rd_data <= ram[integer'(rd_addr)];
            if (wr_en && rd_addr == wr_addr) begin


Module "SimROM", blocks/SimROM/rtl/SimROM.sv



Name Direction Type Description
clk input wire
addr input wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]
data output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0]

Verilog simulation ROM model.

Author: Igor Lesik 2013-2020

Verilog binary format example:


Verilog hex format example:


Source code:

module SimROM #(
    parameter  DATA_SIZE  = 1, // 1-byte, 2-16bits, 4-32bits word
    localparam DATA_WIDTH = 8 * DATA_SIZE,
    parameter  ADDR_WIDTH = 8,
    parameter  MEM_SIZE   = 2**ADDR_WIDTH
    input  wire                  clk,
    input  wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr,
    output reg  [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data

    reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rom [MEM_SIZE];

    localparam VLOG_HEX_FORMAT = 0;
    localparam VLOG_BIN_FORMAT = 1;
    //TODO localparam SREC_FORMAT = 2;

    function int load(string filename, int format);
        if (format == VLOG_HEX_FORMAT)
            $readmemh(filename, rom);
        else if (format == VLOG_BIN_FORMAT)
            $readmemb(filename, rom);
            return 0;

        return 1;

    always @ (posedge clk)
        //$display("ROM[%h]=%h", integer'(addr)+i, rom[integer'(addr)+i]);
        data <= rom[integer'(addr)];


Module "INV", lib/gates/builtin/INV.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out = ~in


Wrapper around Inv.

Source code:

module INV #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out // out = ~in
    Inv#(WIDTH) inv_(.in(in), .out(out));

Module "Inv", lib/gates/builtin/Inv.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out = ~in


Source code:

module Inv #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out // out = ~in
    not /*(strength)*/ /*#(2 delays)*/ not_(out, in);


Module "MUX2", lib/gates/builtin/MUX2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
sel input wire
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

2:1 Multiplexer

Source code:

module MUX2 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in2,
    input  wire              sel,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0]  out

    Mux2#(WIDTH) mux2_(.in1(in1), .in2(in2), .sel(sel), .out(out));


Module "Mux2", lib/gates/builtin/Mux2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
sel input wire
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

Multiplexer made with NAND

Author: Igor Lesik 2020.

                 |      |
 in1 +-----------+ NAND |
                 |      |o+-+    +------+
 sel +-----+-----+      |   |    |      |
           |     |      |   |    |      |
           |     +------+   +----+ NAND |
           |                     |      |o+----+ out
           |     +------+   +----+      |
           |     |      |   |    |      |
           +---+o| NAND |   |    |      |
                 |      |o+-+    +------+
 in2 +-----------+      |
                 |      |

Source code:

module Mux2 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in2,
    input  wire              sel,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0]  out

    wire [WIDTH-1:0] o1, o2;
    NAND2#(WIDTH) nand1_(.out(o1), .in1(in1), .in2({WIDTH{sel}}));
    NAND2#(WIDTH) nand2_(.out(o2), .in1(in2), .in2({WIDTH{~sel}}));
    NAND2#(WIDTH) nand3_(.out(out), .in1(o1), .in2(o2));


Module "NAND2", lib/gates/builtin/NAND2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

2-input NAND.

Source code:

module NAND2 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in2,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out

    NAnd2#(WIDTH) nand_(.in1(in1), .in2(in2), .out(out));


Module "NAnd2", lib/gates/builtin/NAnd2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

2-input NAND.

Source code:

module NAnd2 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in2,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out

    nand /*(strength)*/ /*#(3 delays)*/ nand_(out, in1, in2);


Module "AND2", lib/gates/cmos/AND2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire
in2 input wire
out output wire

2-input AND.

Source code:

module AND2 (
    input  wire in1,
    input  wire in2,
    output wire out
    wire nand_output;
    NAnd2 nand2_(.in1(in1), .in2(in2), .out(nand_output));
    Inv   inv_  (.in(nand_output), .out(out));


Module "INV", lib/gates/cmos/INV.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out = ~in


Uses Inv.

Source code:

module INV #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out // out = ~in
    genvar i;
    for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
        Inv inv_(.in(in[i]), .out(out[i]));


Module "Inv", lib/gates/cmos/Inv.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire
out output wire out = ~in

CMOS Inverter gate.

Use Verilog keywords pmos and nmos to define 2 transistors:

 pmos p1 (out, vdd, in); // out = HI(vdd) if in is LO
 nmos n1 (out, gnd, in); // out = LO(gnd) if in is HI

See book by Yamin Li, Computer principles and design in Verilog HDL.

          +-------+-----+ vdd
              +   |
            + +---+
      +----o| |      p1
      |     + +---+
      |       +   |
      |           |
 +----+           +------+
      |           |
      |       +   |
      |     + +---+
      +-----+ |     n1
            + +---+
              +   |
        +---------+----+ gnd

Source code:

module Inv (
    input  wire in,
    output wire out // out = ~in
    supply1 vdd; // logic 1 (power)
    supply0 gnd; // logic 0 (ground)

    // pmos (drain, source, gate);
    pmos p1 (out, vdd, in);

    // nmos (drain, source, gate);
    nmos n1 (out, gnd, in);


Module "MUX2", lib/gates/cmos/MUX2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
sel input wire
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

2:1 Multiplexer.

Source code:

module MUX2  #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in2,
    input  wire             sel,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out

    genvar i;
    for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
        Mux2 mux2_(.in1(in1[i]), .in2(in2[i]), .sel(sel), .out(out[i]));


Module "Mux2", lib/gates/cmos/Mux2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire
in2 input wire
sel input wire
out output wire

2:1 Multiplexer.

   ---------+-------------+------ vdd
            |             |
   in1 +--o| p1  in2 +--o| p3
            |             |      pmos is open when gate 0
            |             |
  ~sel +--o| p2  sel +--o| p4
            |             |
            |             |
   sel +---| n1 ~sel +--o| n3
            |             |      nmos is open when gate 1
            |             |
   in1 +---| n2  in2 +---| n4
            |             |
            |             |
          --+-------------+------ gnd

Source code:

module Mux2 (
    input  wire in1,
    input  wire in2,
    input  wire sel,
    output wire out

    supply1 vdd;
    supply0 gnd;

    wire nsel;
    INV inv_sel_(.in(sel), .out(nsel));

    wire o;
    INV inv_out_(.in(o), .out(out));

    wire p1_p2, p3_p4, n1_n2, n3_n4;

    // pmos drain source gate
    pmos p1(p1_p2,  vdd,   in1);
    pmos p2(o,    p1_p2,   nsel);

    pmos p3(p3_p4,  vdd,   in2);
    pmos p4(o,    p3_p4,   sel);

    // nmos drain source gate
    nmos n1(o,    n1_n2,   sel);
    nmos n2(n1_n2,  gnd,   in1);

    nmos n3(o,    n3_n4,  nsel);
    nmos n4(n3_n4,  gnd,   in2);


Module "NAND2", lib/gates/cmos/NAND2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

2-input NAND.

Uses NAnd2

Source code:

module NAND2  #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in2,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out

    genvar i;
    for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
        NAnd2 nand2_(.in1(in1[i]), .in2(in2[i]), .out(out[i]));


Module "NAnd2", lib/gates/cmos/NAnd2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire
in2 input wire
out output wire

2-input NAND.

   ---------+-------------+------ vdd
            |             |
      +--o| p1      +--o| p2
      |     |       |     |
      |     +-------------+------ out
      |             |     |
 in1 -+-----------------| n1
                    |     |
 in2 ---------------+---| n2
                  --------+------ gnd

Source code:

module NAnd2 (
    input  wire in1,
    input  wire in2,
    output wire out

    supply1 vdd;
    supply0 gnd;

    wire w_n; // connects 2 nmos transistors

    // pmos drain source gate
    pmos p1(out,  vdd,   in1);
    pmos p2(out,  vdd,   in2);

    // nmos drain source gate
    nmos n1(out,  w_n,   in1);
    nmos n2(w_n,  gnd,   in2);


Module "NOR2", lib/gates/cmos/NOR2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire
in2 input wire
out output wire

2-input NOR

Wrapper around NOr2

Source code:

module NOR2 (
    input  wire in1,
    input  wire in2,
    output wire out

    NOr2 nor2_(.in1(in1), .in2(in2), .out(out));


Module "NOr2", lib/gates/cmos/NOr2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire
in2 input wire
out output wire

2-input NOR

             -------------+------ vdd
 in1 ---+--------------o| p1
        |                 |
 in2 -------------+----o| p2
        |         |       |
        |    +------------+------ out
        |    |    |       |
        +--| n1   +-----| n2
             |            |
          ---+------------+---- gnd

Source code:

module NOr2 (
    input  wire in1,
    input  wire in2,
    output wire out

    supply1 vdd;
    supply0 gnd;

    wire w_p; // connects 2 pmos transistors

    // nmos drain source gate
    pmos n1(out,  gnd,   in1);
    pmos n2(out,  gnd,   in2);

    // pmos drain source gate
    pmos p1(w_p,  vdd,   in1);
    pmos p2(out,  w_p,   in2);


Module "AOI22", lib/gates/generic/AOI22.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0] to be AND-ed with in2
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0] to be AND-ed with in1
in3 input wire [WIDTH-1:0] to be AND-ed with in4
in4 input wire [WIDTH-1:0] to be AND-ed with in3
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0] NOR the results of two ANDs

Complex gate And-Or-Invertor.

 in1 ----------+--\
               AND +----+
 in2 ----------+--/|    |
                   |NOR |o-----
 in3 ----------+--\|    |
               AND +----+
 in4 ----------+--/

Source code:

module AOI22 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in1, // to be AND-ed with in2
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in2, // to be AND-ed with in1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in3, // to be AND-ed with in4
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in4, // to be AND-ed with in3
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out  // NOR the results of two ANDs

    assign out = ~((in1 & in2) | (in3 & in4));


Module "Dff", lib/gates/generic/Dff.sv



Name Direction Type Description
clk input wire
in input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
out output reg [WIDTH-1:0]

@file @brief Rising edge triggered D Flip Flop @author Igor Lesik @copyright Igor Lesik 2014

Source code:

module Dff #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire             clk,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in,
    output reg  [WIDTH-1:0] out
always_ff @(posedge clk)
    out[WIDTH-1:0] <= in[WIDTH-1:0];

initial begin
    out = $urandom_range(2**WIDTH - 1, 0);


Module "INV", lib/gates/generic/INV.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in input wire [WIDTH-1:0] to be inverted
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out is inverted in


Source code:

module INV #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in,  // to be inverted
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out  // out is inverted in

    assign out = ~in;


Module "MUX2", lib/gates/generic/MUX2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
sel input wire
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

2:1 Multiplexer

Source code:

module MUX2 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in2,
    input  wire              sel,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0]  out

    Mux2#(WIDTH) mux2_(.in1(in1), .in2(in2), .sel(sel), .out(out));


Module "MUX4", lib/gates/generic/MUX4.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in3 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in4 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
sel input wire [1:0]
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

4:1 Multiplexer

Source code:

module MUX4 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in2,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in3,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in4,
    input  wire [1:0]        sel,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0]  out

    Mux4#(WIDTH) mux4_(.in1, .in2, .in3, .in4, .sel, .out);


Module "Mux2", lib/gates/generic/Mux2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
sel input wire
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

2:1 Multiplexer.

Author: Igor Lesik 2014.

in1 ------| 1   |
          | MUX |--- out   
in2 ------| 0   |
        sel  |

Source code:

module Mux2 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in2,
    input  wire              sel,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0]  out

    assign out = (sel == 1) ? in1 : in2;


Module "Mux4", lib/gates/generic/Mux4.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in3 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in4 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
sel input wire [1:0]
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

4:1 Multiplexer Author: Igor Lesik 2014

Source code:

module Mux4 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in2,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in3,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0]  in4,
    input  wire [1:0]        sel,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0]  out

assign out = (sel == 0) ? in1 :
             (sel == 1) ? in2 :
             (sel == 2) ? in3 : in4;
 assign Z =    (~S1 & ~S0 & I0)
              | (~S1 &  S0 & I1)
              | ( S1 & ~S0 & I2)
              | ( S1 &  S0 & I3);*/

Module "NAND2", lib/gates/generic/NAND2.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
out output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

2-input NAND.

Source code:

module NAND2 #(
    parameter WIDTH = 1
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in2,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out

    assign out = ~(in1 & in2);


Module "FullAdderAOI", lib/parts/FullAdderAOI.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire
in2 input wire
ci input wire carry in
sum output wire
co output wire carry out

Full Adder using And-Or-Invert (AOI) logic.

Author: Igor Lesik 2020.

AOI logic is a technique of using equivalent Boolean logic expressions to reduce the number of gates required for a particular expression. This, in turn, reduces capacitance and consequently propagation times.

For this design, AOI logic has been applied to the calculation of the Sum bit:

Sumₖ = Aₖ ⊕ Bₖ ⊕ Cₖ = (Aₖ + Bₖ + Cₖ)~Cₖ₊₁ + AₖBₖCₖ

where Cₖ₊₁ = AₖBₖ + Cₖ(Aₖ + Bₖ)

Instead of using two XOR gates to implement the Sum bit, the circuit takes advantage of the fact that ~Cₖ₊₁ already computed and uses fewer gates to calculate the rest of the expression.

Source code:

module FullAdderAOI (
    input  wire in1,
    input  wire in2,
    input  wire ci,  // carry in
    output wire sum,
    output wire co   // carry out

     wire co_n, sum_n;

     assign co = ~co_n;
     assign sum = ~sum_n;

     AOI22 aoi_co_(.out(co_n), .in1(in1|in2), .in2(ci), .in3(in1), .in4(in2));

     AOI22 aoi_sum_(.out(sum_n), .in1(co_n), .in2(in1|in2|ci), .in3(in1), .in4(in2 & ci));


Module "RippleCarryAdder", lib/parts/RippleCarryAdder.sv



Name Direction Type Description
in1 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
in2 input wire [WIDTH-1:0]
ci input wire
co output wire
sum output wire [WIDTH-1:0]

Source code:

module RippleCarryAdder #(
    parameter WIDTH = 64
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in1,
    input  wire [WIDTH-1:0] in2,
    input  wire             ci,
    output wire             co,
    output wire [WIDTH-1:0] sum

    /* verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT */
    wire [WIDTH:0] carry;
    /* verilator lint_on UNOPTFLAT */
    assign carry[0] = ci;
    assign co = carry[WIDTH];

    genvar i;
        for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) begin : fa_gen
            FullAdderAOI fa_(
                .ci (carry[i]),
                .co (carry[i+1])
